Power MOSFETs for outstanding
support in system performance
In green energy, industrial control, power supply and consumer battery appliances
Toshiba MOSFET range to satisfy growing demand in key global markets
It’s a fact, the global market for power semiconductors is growing fast. The demand for power semiconductors in automotive applications has been worldwide headline news, but there are numerous other applications where demand is also growing fast.
At the heart of most of these applications is the power MOSFET. These applications include green energy, particularly solar inverters and heat pumps, industrial control, and power supply. Consumer applications include domestic appliances such as DIY hand tools & gardening tools which are becoming cordless, battery powered and rechargeable for our convenience. The performance of these power MOSFETs is critical to the overall system performance and is very often where a new development starts.
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Featured Products
New 100V N-Channel MOSFET to support miniaturization within power supply applications
Based upon the U-MOS-X process, device offers improved On-resistance and safe operating area
Toshiba has launched a new 100V N-channel power MOSFET based upon Toshiba’s latest generation U-MOSX-H process. The new device is ideally suited to challenging applications such as switching power supplies for data centers and communication base stations as well as industrial uses.
Designed for efficient operation, the new TPH3R10AQM achieves a value of just 3.1mΩ (max) for the all-important drain-source On-resistance (RDS(ON)). This represents a significant 16% improvement over Toshiba’s current 100V product (TPH3R70APL) that uses the established generation process.
Buy nowData sheetPress Release600V super junction N-channel power MOSFET series with ultra-low RDS(on)
Based upon the U-MOS-X process, device offers improved On-resistance and safe operating area
Toshiba has introduced a new series of N-channel power MOSFETs. The first product in the 600V DTMOSVI series is the TK055U60Z1, which is based on Toshiba’s latest-generation process with a super junction structure.
The new MOSFET features an RDS(on) of only 55mΩ – a 13% improvement over similar devices in the company’s established DTMOSIV-H series. In addition, the RDS(on) x Qgd, which is the figure of merit for MOSFET performance, is improved by approximately 52%. Target applications include high-efficiency switching power supplies in data centers, power conditioners for photovoltaic generators, and uninterruptible power systems.
Buy nowData sheetView Product Series Press ReleaseNew N-channel power MOSFETs leverage advanced heat dissipation capabilities to support larger automotive currents
40V devices offer elevated current capabilities and lower on-resistance figures in thermally-enhanced L-TOGLTMpackages
Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH (“Toshiba”) has launched two new automotive-grade 40V N-channel power MOSFETs that will have real impact on next-generation vehicle designs. The XPQR3004PB and XPQ1R004PB utilise the game-changing large transistor outline gull-wing leads package format - referred to as L-TOGLTM.
Even before going into volume production, the XPQR3004PB has succeeded in winning the Power Semiconductor/Driver of 2022 category at the recent World Electronics Achievement Awards (WEAA) organised by AspenCore.
Thanks to their L-TOGL packages, and the enhanced heat dissipation characteristics derived, the newly released Toshiba MOSFETs are highly optimized for handling large currents.
Buy nowData sheetView Product Series Press ReleaseNew high-performance 150V U-MOS X-H MOSFET
Improved reverse recovery significantly reduces synchronous rectification losses
Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH (“Toshiba”) has launched a new 150V N-channel power MOSFET based upon their latest generation U-MOS X-H Trench process. The new device (TPH9R00CQ5) is specifically designed for use in high performance switching power supplies such as those used in communication base stations as well as other industrial applications. With a maximum VDSS rating of 150V and current handling (ID) of 64A, the new device boasts a very low drain-source On-resistance (RDS(ON)
In high performance power solutions that use synchronous rectification, reverse recovery performance is highly important. Due to inclusion of a high speed body diode, the new TPH9R00CQ5 reduces the reverse recovery charge (Qrr) by around 74% (to 34nC typ.) when compared to an existing device such as the TPH9R00CQH. Additionally, the reverse recovery time (trr) of just 40ns is an improvement of over 40% compared with earlier devices.
Buy nowData sheetPress ReleaseToshiba further expands super junction MOSFET range with four additional 650V devices
Improved performance and reduced losses will enhance power supply efficiency
Toshiba Electronics Europe GmbH (“Toshiba”) has added a further four N-channel super junction 650 V power MOSFET devices to extend their DTMOSVI series. The new devices build upon the market success of the current devices and will primarily be used in applications like Industrial and lighting power supply and other applications where ultimate efficiency at small form factor is a requirement.
The new TK090E65Z, TK110E65Z, TK155E65Z, and TK190E65Z MOSFETs achieve a 40% reduction in the drain-source on-resistance (RDSON) x gate-drain charge (Qgd) figure of merit (FoM) when compared to the previous DTMOS generation. This will translate into a substantial decrease in switching losses over earlier devices. As a result, designs incorporating the new devices will see an increase in efficiency. The performance enhancement will apply to new designs as well as upgrades of existing designs.
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